Thursday, December 12, 2019

super hero ear warmers

   Good morning!! Today I bring to you a super hero ear warmer both Incredibles and Flash!
Its a quick whip something you will be able to do in 1 day matter of a few hours. I used 2 different
crochet techniques. I used lemon peel stitch and the bean stitch both techniques I have a YouTube video attached with this pattern . This pattern is for newborn to 24 months . It can be used for both ear warmers . Just have to change the 1st round to using gold instead of black .

Materials needed:
red heart super saver gold (B)
red heart super saver cherry red (A)               scrap yarn in colors  black white yellow
Hook 5.5mm size I                                    yarn needle
scissors                                                      (optional) felt in colors black white gold yellow
                                                                     you can use felt for the logo if you want and if
                                                                      you do you need super adhesive fabric glue

sc ** single crochet                  hdc ** half double crochet
hdc2tog ** half double crochet decrease
rd ** round                              ch ** chain
slst ** slip stitch                      sk ** skip
bean stitch **insert hook yarn over pull through yarn over insert hook in same stitch yarn pull through all 4 loops
lemon peel stitch ** repeat dc , sc **video
dc ** double crochet

Ear warmer
with black  (color B)
(for flash start with gold)

circumference 34 cm height 2 1/2 in tall not including color B
In each round slst on top of hdc and ch1
2 chs equals 1 cm
2 rows equals an inch in height

rd 1 ) slst to 1st ch working continues rounds go ahead and hdc in each ch (50hdc)
slst weave in

with red **** (use red for flash also) (color A)
rd 2 ) hdc in each ch  (50hdc)

rd 3 )   hdc in 1st 2 chs then bean st in next * hdc , bean st * repeat *to*  un til last st hdc (50)

rd 4 ) hdc in 1st 2 chs then  sc , dc , *sc , dc , * repeat until end of rd last 2 chs hdc in each (50)

rd 5) repeat rd 2

rd 6) repeat rd 3

rd 7 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 6 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (47hdc)

rd 8 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 5 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (44hdc)
slst and weave in

logo of incredibles ( logo for flash is at bottom of blog )
with black***

rd 1 ) sc in2nd ch and in remaining (6sc)

rd 2 ) turn slst in 1st ch then sc in the next 4 chs slst in last ch

rd 3 ) turn slst in 1st ch then sc in the next 3 chs then slst in last ch

rd 4 ) turn slst in 1 st ch the sc in the next 2 chs then slst in last ch continue slst along side as seen in video do not break for next instruction

Now we will continue making the logo

**with black still**
slst in 1st ch then sc in the next 2 chs
turn sc in the next 2 chs slst and break

with black
next part of logo

rd 1 ) sc in 2nd ch and in remaining (6sc)

rd 2 ) slst in 1st ch then sc in the next 4 chs then slst in last ch

rd 3 ) slst in 1st ch then sc in the next 3 chs then slst in last ch

rd 4 ) slst in1st ch then sc in the next 2 chs then slst in last
slst and leave tail to sew in

Now with orange *** make 2

rd 1 ) slst in 1st 2 chs then hdc in the next and in remaining chs
slst and leave tail to sew in

Letter I
with gold***

rd 1 ) dc in 2nd ch and hdc  in remaining chs  (3hdc)

rd 2 to 4  ) turn repeat rd 1
slst leave tail

the dot for the I
with white**
in 2nd ch 7sc
attach gold
sc in each ch
slst and leave tail

or you can do the dot this way
in 2nd ch 7hdc slst and leave tail
in 2nd ch 7sc leave tail to sew in

1) attach black part of logo see picture**
2 ) attach 2nd black part
3 ) attach the letter bottom part
4 ) attach the dot of the I (either one)
5 ) attach the orange part by (left) bigger end by the dot

6 ) attach the orange part by (right) smaller end by the dot

Be sure to sew in all your ends Have fun!!!

age 3 months
circumference 40 cm 3 in height (not including color B)

with black** (B)
rd 1 ) attach both ends by slst then ch1 hdc in each ch ( 62hdc)
slst weave in

with red **** (A)
rd 2 ) hdc in each ch (62hdc)

rd 3 )   hdc in 1st 2 chs then bean st in next * hdc , bean st * repeat *to*  un til last st hdc (62)

rd 4 ) hdc in 1st 2 chs then  sc , dc , *sc , dc , * repeat until end of rd last 2 chs hdc in each (62)

rd 5 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 6) repeat rd 3 

rd 7) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 6 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (57hdc)

rd 8 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 5 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (54hdc) 

rd 9) hdc in each ch (54hdc)
slst weave in

Age 6 months
circumference of 42cm height 3in. (not including color B)
with black ** (B)

rd 1 ) slst to 1st ch working continues rounds go ahead and hdc in each ch (66hdc)
slst weave in

with red **** (A)
rd 2 ) hdc in each ch (66hdc)

rd 3 )   hdc in 1st 2 chs then bean st in next * hdc , bean st * repeat *to*  un til last st hdc (66)

rd 4 ) hdc in 1st 2 chs then  sc , dc , *sc , dc , * repeat until end of rd last 2 chs hdc in each (66)

rd 5 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 6) repeat rd 3 

rd 7 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 6 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (63hdc)

rd 8 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 5 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (60hdc) 

rd 9 ) hdc in each ch 
slst and weave in 

Age 9 months
circumference of 44cm height of  3 1/2 in  (not including color B)
with black *** (B)

ch 70
rd 1 ) slst to 1st ch working continues rounds go ahead and hdc in each ch (70hdc)
slst weave in

with red **** (A)
rd 2 ) hdc in each ch (70hdc)

rd 3 )  attach and hdc in 1st 2 chs then bean st in next * hdc , bean st * repeat *to*  un til last st hdc (70)

rd 4 ) hdc in 1st 2 chs then  sc , dc , *sc , dc , * repeat until end of rd last 2 chs hdc in each (70)

rd 5 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 6) repeat rd 3 

rd 7 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 8 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 6 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (67hdc)

rd 9 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 5 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (64hdc) 

rd  10 ) hdc in each ch 
slst and weave in 

age 12 months
circumference of 45cm height of 3 1/2 in . (not including color B)
with black*** (B)

ch 72

rd 1 ) slst to 1st ch working continues rounds go ahead and hdc in each ch (72hdc)
slst weave in

with red **** (A)
rd 2 ) hdc in each ch (72hdc)

rd 3 )   hdc in 1st 2 chs then bean st in next * hdc , bean st * repeat *to*  un til last st hdc (72 hdc )

rd 4 ) hdc in 1st 2 chs then  sc , dc , *sc , dc , * repeat until end of rd last 2 chs hdc in each (72)

rd 5 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 6) repeat rd 3 

rd 7 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 8) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 6 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (69hdc)

rd 9 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 5 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (66hdc) 

rd  10 ) hdc in each ch  (66hdc)
slst weave in 

age 15 months
circumference 45.8cm
height of 3 1/2 in  (not including color B)

with black*** (B)

rd 1 ) slst to 1st ch working continues rounds go ahead and hdc in each ch (73hdc)
slst weave in

with red ****  (A)
rd 2 ) hdc in each ch (73hdc)

rd 3 )    hdc in 1st 2 chs then bean st in next * hdc , bean st * repeat *to*  un til last st hdc (73)

rd 4 ) hdc in 1st 2 chs then  sc , dc , *sc , dc , * repeat until end of rd last 2 chs hdc in each (73)

rd 5 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 6 repeat rd 3 

rd 7 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 8 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 6 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (70hdc)

rd 9) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 5 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (67hdc) 
slst and weave in 

rd 10 ) hdc in each ch (67hdc)
slst weave in 

age 18months
circumference of 46.5cm
height of 4 in  (not including color B)
with black***  (B)

rd 1 ) slst to 1st ch working continues rounds go ahead and hdc in each ch (75hdc)
slst weave in

with red **** (A)
rd 2 ) hdc in each ch (75hdc)

rd 3 )  attach and hdc in 1st 2 chs then bean st in next * hdc , bean st * repeat *to*  un til last st hdc (75)

rd 4 ) hdc in 1st 2 chs then  sc , dc , *sc , dc , * repeat until end of rd last 2 chs hdc in each (75)

rd 5 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 6) repeat rd 3 

rd 7 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 8 ) repeat rd 3 

rd 9) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 6 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (72hdc)

rd10 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 5 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (69hdc) 

rd 11 ) hdc in each ch (69hdc)
slst weave in 

age 24 months
circumference of  47.5cm
height of 4 1/2 in (not including color B)

with black*** (B)

rd 1 ) slst to 1st ch working continues rounds go ahead and hdc in each ch (77hdc)
slst weave in

with red ****  (A)
rd 2 ) hdc in each ch (77hdc)

rd 3 )  attach and hdc in 1st 2 chs then bean st in next * hdc , bean st * repeat *to*  un til last st hdc (77)

rd 4 ) hdc in 1st 2 chs then  sc , dc , *sc , dc , * repeat until end of rd last 2 chs hdc in each (77)

rd 5 ) repeat rd 2 

rd 6) repeat rd 3 

rd 7 )repeat rd 2 

rd 8 ) repeat rd 3 

rd 9 )repeat rd 2 

rd 10 )  hdc2tog then hdc in the next 6 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (74hdc)

rd11 ) hdc2tog then hdc in the next 5 chs repeat 2 more times then hdc in remaining chs (71hdc) 

rd 12 ) hdc in each ch (71hdc)
slst weave in 

Flash logo
with red
rd 1 ) in 2nd ch 7hdc   

rd 2 ) 2hdc in each (14hdc)

rd 3 ) hdc , 2hdc repeat ( 18hdc)

rd 4 ) hdc , hdc , 2hdc (24hdc) 

rd 5 hdc , hdc , hdc , 2hdc (30hdc)
slst and weave in
with gold
attach and do as follows 
hdc , hdc , hdc , hdc , 2hdc (36hdc)
slst leave tail

lightning applique
with gold
rd 1 ) slst  . slst . sc . sc . sc 

rd 2 ) slst along side (see picture) then ch3

rd 3 ) turn sc , sc , sc  turn 

rd 4 ) ch1 sc , sc , sc , turn

rd 5 ) ch3 turn sc , sc , sc , turn

rd 6 )sc , sc , sc,  turn

rd 7 ) ch5 turn slst  , slst  , sc , sc, sc slst to secure leave tail

attach lightning to shield
attach shield to ear warmer

Baby boy blanket

 Granny squares are fun to make. Sure it has you crocheting in a square form but it later makes a beautiful creation. I made this baby blue ...